Illuminated Priestess

Monthly Archives: November 2015

Thanksgiving, 2015 Warm breath streams, Damp nostrils, large, open A young woman astride a white horse Moving together, unified, communicating Communing. Above, striking against the blue A red tailed hawk floats Into the East, Heckled by a crow. A pair of bald eagles Spin and wheel Heading west before they Swoop down over the river Fishing, diving. The light is golden As are the leaves. A wash of yolk Over the seen… Read More

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a holiday filled with triggers for people. Our button-pushing family will be around, doing what they do best, pushing our buttons. As a good friend often says, “They installed them.” Our Native brethren mourn rather than celebrate, due to the years of attempted genocide that came after the first Thanksgiving. There are many who do not have families, or whose families have excommunicated them for dumb things… Read More

My childhood best friend died yesterday. I don’t know why or of what. We did not stay in close touch but I loved her and she me and that was enough for us as we aged into our middle years. I am heartbroken, sad and confused in this moment. I wish her safe travels and, most of all, peace. It is a tumor. No questions, please. On September 20th, 2015 I formally… Read More

Cultural appropriation has been very much in my face lately. Halloween was just a little over a week ago and there was a lot of talk about how Native American costumes are unacceptable and how wearing a feathered headdress is appropriating that culture. Some of these conversations began around the idea of the Sexy Squaw costumes that reinforce the idea that Native American women are trash and that as such, they can… Read More


A Homeschool Literary Magazine

Later, Miss Slater

Writing for Wholeness


All things human

Daughter of the Sun

a Shamanic Path

Moontime Rising

a Shamanic Path


a Shamanic Path

a Shamanic Path

Elemental Meridian

Elemental-simple; pertaining to the 4 elements or forces of nature. Meridian: point of highest development.