Illuminated Priestess

Monthly Archives: January 2014

Yesterday my husband and I went shopping at a variety of places, Target for an electronic gadget, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and Pet Smart. All crowded and bustling and in the midst of all of it, I realized that I feel apologetic all of the time. I feel bad about taking up so much space, about being tall and somewhat busty, I feel like I must try really, really hard to get… Read More


A Homeschool Literary Magazine

Later, Miss Slater

Writing for Wholeness


All things human

Daughter of the Sun

a Shamanic Path

Moontime Rising

a Shamanic Path


a Shamanic Path

a Shamanic Path

Elemental Meridian

Elemental-simple; pertaining to the 4 elements or forces of nature. Meridian: point of highest development.